Reba's  History

Reba was returned to the breeder that she was purchased from the second weekend in July, 1998.  The ex-owner claimed that she was unmanageable!  The breeder was very, very upset at the miserable shape she was in and took her back.  Reba had a vet visit on July 15th and was pronounced healthy (Well, as healthy as a 70 Lb. Corgi can be!)   Preliminary bloodwork was done to check for any thyroid problems, etc.  Thankfully all blood tests were normal.  We know per vet records that she weighed less than 20 pounds in November 1996.  There will be updates below in the vet visit paragraph. Nancy heard of her terrible plight from a friend of the breeder.  She explained Reba's situation, and asked that we foster Reba, so that she could have the personal attention she needs to become a happy, healthy dog again.  We were heartsick by her plight and agreed immediately.


[ History | Obese Dog Management | Diet and Nutrition | Consequences of Obesity ]
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