Vet Visits and Medical Info
Reba's veterinary adventures will be placed here. As will any medical problems that are of note.
7/17 - Currently we are awaiting the results of preliminary bloodwork to see if there is a non-dietary reason for her extreme weight.
7/23 - Reba's bloodwork was returned normal. No thyroid problems! However Reba was leaving some small spots of blood and her accidents (urine) had some cloudy mucousy content. Consultation with Reba's breeder and vet led to a prescription of Amoxicillin for a suspected case of Cystitis. So now she gets two pills a day for that for a while.
8/17 - Treated with Heartguard (for heartworm) and Advantage (for fleas). These are preventative treatments only. She's getting these treatments along with our own dogs.
8/24 - Urine sample submitted to vet to check for any lingering Cystitis. None found.
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